After read this week’s article, I really agree with Bianca Woods opinion about building PLN.   Communication is an important and useful ability to get new ideas and information. I enjoy join some online forum or chat groups. I can always find some interesting speech from different areas. But this article also reminds me that besides listen to others opinion, I should also export my views. 

Back to the question about how would I create a PLN prior to engaging in a social media campaign on a topic of my choice, I think I may look through some relative informations through, for example, blog, magazines, podcasts and so on, to collects some new ideas. Then, leave my own insights and discuss them with others through comments replies, etc. I also hope to make new connections with more like-minded people in this process.


Woods, B. (2013, November). Building your own PLN: seeking new insights and ideas? Expand your personal learning network. T+D, 67(11), 70+.